Saturday, April 08, 2006

One night in Bush

WASHINGTON (April 8) - President Bush has hit new lows in public opinion for his handling of Iraq , his campaign against international terror and his overall job performance. Polling also shows the Republican Party surrendering its advantage on national security.

The AP-Ipsos poll is loaded with grim election-year news for a party struggling to stay in power. Nearly 70 percent of Americans believe the nation is headed in the wrong direction, the largest percentage of the Bush presidency and 13 points higher than a year ago.

This poll puts the President's approval rating slight above 30%. To put things in perspective, Nixon scored a 25% approval rating in 1974 amid the infamous Watergate scandal that eventually led to his August 1974 resignation from office.

At a press conference yesterday, White House press secretary Scott McClellan (Pictured below) demonstrated to the press corps how President Bush likes to have polls presented to him.

Mr. McClellan went on to say that although the President's numbers are very bad, they are still not as low as Paris Hilton who scored a 25% approval rating in an earlier public opinion poll. "After all ... he added ... who has more experience with polls than Paris?"


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